Need Publicity for Your Online Business? Try a Facebook Giveaway!

Most people like free stuff, it's quite normal. In fact, many individuals are willing to do minor tasks just for the chance to win something that is completely free. That willingness can work in your favor when you do a Facebook giveaway or any type of contest for that matter.

This activity is not taking advantage of participants. It is giving them the chance to win something that they want simply by doing a task that takes a few moments. To get the best results, the task has to be something easy and quick, for example, liking and sharing a particular Facebook post. These actions require only a few seconds.

To make this type of contest work, you need to offer something that the customer wants. You can offer them a free sample or a full-sized product, a gift certificate, or something similar. What you offer depends on your business and what you can afford. Providing the winning contestant with the merchandise without charging shipping is also important. There should be absolutely no cost to anyone, especially the winner. 

Having one giveaway can offer more publicity for your online business than numerous regular posts. This is especially true if the contest requires the participant to share a post. You may increase the results by offering additional ways for a person to win, such as sharing more or adding a comment to the post. 

Whatever you decide, make the giveaway exciting and fun. Encourage extra participation and engagement. If you offer these contests on a regular basis, word will get around and you will receive more promotion than you possibly expected.

Tips for Reducing Costs on Giveaways

Because there is a cost involved, you may need to focus on minimizing expenditures while still having great results. How do you do this? 

1. If you are mailing products to winning participants, try to keep the items small and light so that the postage is cheaper. 

2. Offer products that are great but that don't cost you as much as other products to produce or purchase.

3. Offer gift certificates or gift cards to reduce postage to a bare minimum.

4. Offer a digital product that has value but requires no postage.

5. Rely on word of mouth, social media, and post sharing rather than purchasing advertising.

Putting the Package Together

Create a plan for your contest and have your details/rules straightened away prior to posting. Give participants plenty of time to see your post and do what is required to enter the contest. Have a set deadline and stick to it unless the response is lesser/greater than expected, and an extension is needed. Make sure you are able to provide the winnings on the correct date. Create excitement and follow through with what you have promised. When the contest is over and the winnings are distributed, you may be surprised at what an impact the one campaign has made. You may just decide to have more!

Need help with your social media posts for your contests? Contact Your Words' Worth for a free consultation!

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