Self-Publishing: Is It For You? Here are Some Details to Help You Out!

It's a big deal to get published by a publishing house. It is also a lot of work. Very few submissions that pass through the editor's hands ever reach print. Before even getting to that point, there is the submission stage, revisions, and more. It can take over two years between the first and last steps to finally see the printed copy. That said, any published author is likely very proud of the accomplishment. Possibly because of the unlikely chance of being taken on by a publishing house, and the time involved, and, at times, the fees presented, many people have gone with self-publishing. While authors that have been published the traditional way might scorn the idea, as might others, there is nothing to be ashamed of. You want to get your work out there in the public, and self-publishing is a great way to go forward with that. There are two main methods of self-publishing. One is through creating a PDF document and allowing people to download it, whether for free or for a pri...