Getting More Traffic to Your Blog

Getting traffic to your blog is an essential part of its success, no matter what your purpose. With search engine algorithms always changing, sometimes it can seem like an impossible task to obtain visitors and a decent Google rank. However, there are some things that anyone can do to gain more visitors, repeat and new ones. 

Write More Posts: Most search engines like it when blogs are maintained and added to on a regular basis. This means posting an article at least once a week. According to American Express business advisors, adding two articles a week is a great step. With consistent posting, the ranking should increase, thus bringing more traffic to your blog.

Promote: Most blogs need a little help in being discovered, at least at the beginning. Once your blog gains momentum, you might not need to promote it as much, but at the start, you'll need to use a few tools. Social media is a great way to promote your blog. While you can purchase advertisements, using free tools like Facebook and Twitter can be useful too. If you choose paid advertisements, be sure to select the right target market. If you find that paid advertising is not bringing blog traffic, you can quit and go back to the free options.

Write Great Titles: The title is what grabs the attention of the reader. You don't need something completely off the wall. The title that works depends on your audience. You are recommended to use titles that are honest about what your article contains. Readers do not like clickbait. 

Add Images: Pictures, illustrations, photographs, and other types of images make articles more interesting. Readers will often stay longer on the page when there are pictures. You can find free images at and other websites if that is what you prefer. 

Add Keywords: This is possibly one of the most difficult and confusing aspects of blog articles. Some experts say that two percent keyword use is better while others want the words stuffed in as much as possible. One of the best methods is to include a variety of keywords that are completely relevant to your article and topic. These will help readers find what they are looking for. Be sure that the keywords are grammatically correct because otherwise, it will read wrong and visitors will think you are trying to keyword-stuff. Including a variety of keywords in a natural way is generally the best method for gaining readers and keeping them.

Add Social Media Sharing Buttons:
 When someone likes the article enough, they will want to share it. Adding social media sharing buttons is the perfect way to enable them. 

Create Contests and Giveaways: Contests and giveaways create excitement and therefore, bring additional guests. These events draw more people in, and hopefully, with the right content, you will keep them coming back. 

Respect Your Readers

When you offer your readers something of value and keep your promises with content, giveaways, and other aspects, you will find that they will come back. You started your blog for a reason. Keep that reason in mind as you post your articles, add your pictures, and so on. All of these aspects speak to the respect you have for your readers, and your guests will appreciate it.

Writing blog articles takes time, but it is important to the life of your blog. If you need help with your content, contact Your Words' Worth - a small professional company that offers customized written content. They can also edit your current articles and assess your online needs. Contact them today for a free consultation.

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