The Skinny on promises high-quality content for low prices. For writers, it means an entry into the writing world, and if they can write fast and accurate enough, a supplement to their income. For individuals in countries where the economy is not fairing so well, this money could be a full-time income. In places like North America, where $5 does not go very far, it takes far more work to earn enough to live on. However, the site can be a great opportunity for some writers in the field.

For business owners, it can seem like a cheap way of obtaining much-needed website and blog content. You fill out the information form, submit it, and wait for writers to claim the project. Seems perfect.

Well, if you are on a timeline, you may need to submit a request to a writer. Otherwise, you could be waiting a long time. There have been some projects on the board for years. Why is that? If you, as a client, have a low approval rating, writers are less likely to spend the time writing for fear their work will be wasted. Also, if the article is a tough one and the project is low-paid, most writers will not want to take on the work. 

You see, even great writers may only earn $5 an hour. These days, in Canada, United States, Great Britain, and other first-world countries, that is not a lot of money. As a backup for someone without a lot of money, it can work. However, most writers would not even consider that kind of pay. For this reason, many writers are from second or third-world countries. If the project is too difficult, even for individuals in countries where $5 USD is a decent wage, the time spent working may not be worth it.

There is another aspect. If a client is not specific about the work they require or their instructions are not clear, it is possible that a number of article submissions are made without obtaining one that is suitable. As a result, time is wasted for both the writer and the client.

While iWriter can be a wonderful platform for numerous writers and clients, it does not work for everyone. Sometimes it is simply better to pay a higher wage for custom content from small companies that offer free consultations, and that allow you the chance to properly explain exactly what you need.  

If you are looking for customized written work or editing for current written content, visit or email for your free consultation.

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