Starting Your Zazzle Business

When you love to design products but do not want to manufacture the items yourself, Zazzle just might be the solution for you. This platform allows you to design thousands of products with your images while permitting customers to customize them the way they want before being purchased. Everyone wins!

While it does take some time to place your designs on the products through the online tools, it is a lot of fun. Of course, Zazzle offers tools to complete this process. One particular tool they offer allows you to design one product at a time. The other one places the design on hundreds of products at once. This latter option saves you time as long as the design fits each product correctly.

Choosing the Most Suitable Design Tool

Sometimes it is best to apply the tool that creates one product at a time. In this way, you can write an excellent description for each item. You get the chance to choose each tag according to the actual item.

However, if you would prefer to place your design on hundreds of products and write a general description, that can work as well. Just be sure to add tags that fit the design correctly.

Selling Your Designs

Zazzle compensates you for selling products with your design. You can usually choose the level of commission you receive per sale. However, there is a lot of competition. Most sellers maintain a 10% commission to keep competitive with other designers.

When the merchandise design is complete, you can take advantage of numerous selling tools. There are sharing tools available on the page of each product, allowing you to share item links to Facebook, Pinterest, and other social media sites.

But you don't have to stick to these methods of marketing the merchandise. Zazzle gives you the links to copy and paste. Starting a blog, writing about your designs, and engaging with your audience (all while sharing your links) is a wonderful way of gaining customers.

Working Consistently

For greater success on this forum, it is advisable to work consistently on the Zazzle forum. Take time to create new designs and market all of your products. Even a few hours a week can help with this process.

Writing Product Descriptions and Blog Posts

Writing high-quality and accurate product descriptions is essential. With the right keywords, customers can find the products much more easily, and engaging descriptions motivate an individual to make a purchase.

As for blog posts, these too should be engaging. They can take a number of tones, whether cheerful, dramatic or otherwise. This depends on the products being promoted.

Because you need to have a professional, it is necessary to have a second eye look at your product descriptions and blog posts. This second person can help remove any errors and perhaps even improve the sound of the writing. An editor or social media manager or consultant who deals with written content can help with this.


Remember to have fun with Zazzle. This forum isn't a big moneymaker, at least not at the beginning, but it can become lucrative with time. It requires consistency, but enjoy the process. After all, success should be easy. Plus, you can be proud of your designs being published for the world to see and purchase.

If you only make a sale or two at the beginning, don't give up. It takes some sellers months to make much progress. Remember: every sale adds up and each time you post to a blog or social media forum, there is an extra chance of getting your designs out there.

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